7 Reasons to grind your coffee every day
Is coffee good for you? The answer is a big YES.
If you are thinking that coffee is not good for your health, then think again. Recent studies have shown that coffee drinkers have more health perks than non-coffee drinkers. But it does not mean that you have to be a coffee addict to avail such perks. So coffee is a lot more than kick-starting your day drink. There are a plethora of reasons, why you should consider having a cup of coffee at least once a day.
If we go back to history, coffee beans were first brought to Yemen from Ethiopia by one Somalian merchant. According to Somalian people then, they considered the coffee plant as an energizing plant with health benefits. But no such proof or evidence was established then. A few years ago, researchers believed it is not good for health. But now according to recent research and study, they have found many health benefits. However, they still don't know which part of the coffee beans are working wonders for the human body.
So, let us find the reason why you should start loving coffee.
1. Give a boost to your energy
Coffee is full of caffeine which stimulates our nervous system. Caffeine helps in fighting our body’s fatigue and keeping us energetic. It regulates your body’s energy and releases dopamine. It helps to keep your weight under check too.
2. Heart Health
Many research suggests that drinking one to two cups of coffee may decrease strokes and heart-related diseases. Although studies still do not have an answer to the quantity of coffee you should take to lower the risk of stroke. But it still suggests that having coffee is good for your heart. Many doctors around the world feel that coffee helps in controlling blood vessels and maintaining blood pressure. But nothing is proved as yet.
3. Protects against Diabetes
Coffee has many antioxidants, which helps in reducing inflammation in your body thus reducing the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that a person who consumes 1 to 2 cups of coffee over 2–3 years every day, reduces the risk of having Type 2 diabetes.
But in contrast, if you are already affected by Type 2 diabetes, you should avoid consuming much coffee. It contains caffeine which elevates insulin levels in your body.
4. Helps with Dementia
It may lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. According to the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published in 2012 and studies conducted in Sweden and Finland in 2009 stated that people who consume 3–4 cups of coffee every day, may develop 60% less dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
5. Protects your Liver
Surprisingly, few studies suggest that having 2–3 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of many liver-related diseases including Hepatitis C and fibrosis in the liver. It also lowers the release of harmful liver enzyme levels.
The studies have revealed that a person who drinks 1 cup of coffee a day is at 15% lower risk and the person who drinks 3–4 cups of coffee is at 70% lower risk than the non-coffee drinkers.
6. Parkinson’s Syndrome
According to the research which was published by the American Academy of Neurology in 2012, suggests that caffeine present in the coffee helps in relieving Parkinson’s Disease symptoms by improving the movements who already have it. And reduces the chances of getting it who are at risk. The consumption of coffee should be more than 5 cups a day.
7. May reduce the risk of having a cancer
According to some research, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have claimed that having 3 or more cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of getting skin cancer known as melanoma and liver cancer by 20%.
Coffee is beneficial for you if it is consumed black without sugar and in moderation. It is not a substitute for any medicine, treatment or therapy. It is better to keep the coffee intake between 1–3 cups per day. If you have any health-related issues for example insomnia, osteoporosis or acid reflux, it is better to avoid caffeine and switch to decaffeinated drinks like herbal tea or green tea (Decaffeine coffee with not solve your problem.)
Pregnant women should avoid a large intake of coffee as it contains caffeine, which is not healthy for the growing foetus. Coffee has many benefits but it does not mean for the consumption of kids. It contains caffeine, thus it is not recommended for kids as it elevates blood pressure levels.
So, if anybody asks you that “Is coffee good for you.?” Then shout out loud that “It is a big yes. But don’t make it an addiction.”
*This article is curated from the following Sources-
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